The copying and use of photographs on this website is not permitted without the prior approval of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Permission requests should be directed to
The copying and use of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust logo and other logos produced by the Trust is not permitted without prior approval of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Permission requests should be directed to
You do not have to ask permission to link directly to pages hosted on the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust website. Please contact if you need help linking to our website.
Links to other websites
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is not responsible for the content of external websites and we do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.
Information collection and use
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust holds information supplied to us through various online forms published on the website to collect personal data (please refer to our Privacy policy). The Information gathered is only used for the purposes stated at the time of collection. We will not sell your information to third parties or share it with partner organisations without your knowledge.
Social Media House Rules
We enjoy sharing our behind the scenes stories and news with you on the social media platforms that we use and we enjoy hearing your own stories and feedback. We want to make sure that everyone has a positive and safe experience online. These are our house rules:
- Please comply with each social media platform’s own Terms of Use, which outlines how you and we are allowed to use the platform.
- Consider your privacy and the privacy of anyone else involved – do not share personal details and be mindful of what’s in the background of your images or videos that might compromise other people.
- Please don’t post images of our staff or patients, unless they are happy to be included in your post.
- Be respectful and kind. With such broad audiences and life experiences, everyone has different opinions and experiences and we post with that in mind.
- We ask that any comments or discussions on our social media channels are respectful to other members, as well as our staff and volunteers.
- Please don’t spread false information, or any information that you aren’t sure of, or spam or troll our social media accounts. This includes posting persistent negative or abusive posts designed to provoke a response.
- Users who don’t adhere to our house rules may have their comments hidden or removed, will not receive a response to direct messages and may be blocked.
- For anyone posting abusive, discriminatory, harassing, obscene, violent, unlawful or threatening content or comments on our social media channels, we reserve the right to report your behaviour to the associated social media platform, to the relevant authorities and ban you from our accounts.
Please do let us know if you think any of the comments on our social media channels violate these house rules by emailing
What to expect:
We monitor our main social media platforms 365 days a year. Our core office hours are 9am-5pm GMT, Monday to Friday and we scan social media daily until approximately 9pm, inclusive of UK national holidays.
Any medical or personal enquiries will not be answered online and will be forwarded to our patient experience team.