Our Speech and Language Therapists are committed to ensuring we provide a caring and compassionate service to adults and children experiencing difficulty with:
- Speech
- Language
- Communication
- Voice
- Swallowing, eating and drinking
We work directly with service users and carers to diagnose, assess and provide personalised life-improving interventions, support and care that is evidence-based using our specialist expertise.
We work in partnership with a variety of Health and Social Care organisations and professionals (including doctors, nurses, dieticians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and psychologists and social workers) to help reduce the impact of these conditions upon a person’s ability to take part in their daily life.
We offer a wide range of specialist in-patient and outpatient services, from acute care to long term rehabilitation. These services are across Leeds General Infirmary, St James’s University Hospital and Chapel Allerton Hospital.
These services cover:
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
- Head and Neck Cancer
- Neuro-oncology (cancer)
- Acute Medicine
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Major Trauma
- Critical Care
- Respiritory
- Stroke Services
- Acute Medicine
- Older Adult Medicine
- Leeds Motor Neurone Disease Care Centre
- Neurorehabilitation
- Cleft Lip and Palate Team
- Leeds Children’s Hospital
- Neonatal
- Cardiac
- Surgical
- Neurology
- Respiratory
- Voice
We cover the city of Leeds and for some specialties the wider Yorkshire region.
All of our staff are registered through the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Website.
You can find more information on speech and language therapy through the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Website.
Contact us
For general enquiries for adults, please contact:
Speech and Language Therapy
Adult Therapies Department
E Floor, Brotherton Wing
Leeds General Infirmary
Tel: 0113 3922269
For general enquiries for children, please contact:
A Floor Paediatric Offices
Brotherton Wing
Leeds General Infirmary
Great George Street
Leeds LS1 3EX
Email: saltpaeds@nhs.net
Tel: 0113 3923727