This is a regional service provided by the plastic surgery department for the surgical treatment of spasticity of the arm and hand.
We see adults and children who have had brain injuries and spinal cord injuries that have affected the function of their arms and hands. These injuries can result from stroke, birthing difficulty, infection, tumour, or trauma. The limbs can be weak or can be tense due to increased muscle tone and are difficult to control or relax. Sometimes the arm has no movement at all and this can make washing and dressing difficult. The muscles and tendons can become shortened and weak and the joints stiff and sometimes surgery can correct this and improve arm function.
The team consists of:
- A plastic surgeon, Catherine Hernon
- Occupational therapists, Joanna Burdon and Caroline Pellatt
- Physiotherapists, Helen Neal and Ben Sirr
Meet the team
What we do
We take referrals from rehabilitation doctors, paediatricians, neurologists, orthopaedic surgeons and GPs. Often the patient will have had other treatments for their arms such as botulinum toxin injections and most will already have had physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
More information available on our ‘What we do’ page.
Contact us
Our service is based in Clarendon Wing, LGI.
General enquiries
Practice co-ordinator Susan Silla
Tel: 0113 3922898
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Answerphone available outside these hours
Unit Fax: 0113 3926094
Outpatient booking enquiries
Tel: 0113 3928237 or 0113 3923450
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4:00pm.
Answerphone available outside these hours
All enquiries and correspondence can be addressed to:
Catherine Hernon Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department
Clarendon Wing, Leeds General Infirmary
Great George Street, Leeds LS1 2EX