On receiving your referral we will allocate you a group or individual session depending on your needs and reason for referral.
For a group session:
This session is for patients with back and pelvic pain
- These sessions are women only groups with up to eight women with similar problems and is currently run on Zoom
- You are given a clear overview of your condition and given exercises and advice to manage your symptoms
- Following this session you will be able to book an individual appointment for further assessment if required
- Please make sure you are in a quiet location without distractions when attending via Zoom.
For an individual session:
- This will normally be a telephone appointment to begin with, to give you some advice and exercises to get started with. This appointment is also to make sure you are seen by the most suitable physiotherapist for your problem
- We ask that if you attend face-to-face appointments please come alone
- There may be access to a private room if you need more privacy
- The session may last up to 30 minutes
- It is useful to bring shorts and a vest top for us to assess your back and pelvis
Based on the findings of our assessment you will be given a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Physiotherapy treatment may include:
- Core stability exercises
- Support for your bump
- Manual therapy
- TENS Advice
- Ultrasound