We provide specialist care for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Movement
Disorders (Parkinsonism). This service is supported by a dedicated team of
Neurologists and Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS).
The Clinical Nurse Specialists provide advice and support patients and their families.
We provide information and education about your condition and the medications
used to treat PD and Movement disorders. This will help you get the most out of
your treatment.
Contact us
Parkinson’s Clinical Nurse Specialist Nurses
- Main office number: 0113 3926689
- Email: leedsth-tr.pdnurse@nhs.net
- Main hospital number: 0113 243 2799
What we do
Our service is delivered by a dedicated team of Neurologists and Parkinson’s
disease and Movement disorders clinical nurse specialists.
We provide specialised care for people with Parkinson’s disease and Movement
Disorders (Parkinsonism) including Progressive Supra Nuclear Palsy (PSP), Multi
System Atrophy (MSA), Cortico Basal Degeneration (CBD) and Dementia with Lewy
Bodies/Lewy Body Dementia (DLB/LBD).
The Specialist nurses are available to give advice and support to patients and their