We provide Specialist Optometrist support for the YAG Laser clinics within the Trust, with the Consultant Optometrist who has had specialist training and is an Independent prescriber working alongside the Ophthalmology team to assess and manage patients requiring YAG Laser treatment. The team carries out unilateral and bilateral posterior capsulotomies for patients who have developed posterior capsular opacification after cataract surgery and unilateral and bilateral peripheral iridotomies for patients at risk of angle closure glaucoma, with the YAG laser.
At present the Consultant Optometrist provides a YAG laser clinic on Thursday mornings in the Eye clinic at St. James’s University Hospital.
How do I make an appointment with this service?
To be seen in the YAG clinic you must be referred by your optometrist, GP, or by an ophthalmologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust or another hospital.
YAG clinics run throughout the week in the main eye clinic at St. James’s University hospital.
Waiting times
Please be aware that you may have a series of examinations from a range of clinicians and your appointment may take up to an hour to be completed from the time your appointment is booked.