Maternity research

The Reproductive Health and Childbirth Research Team provide the opportunity for anyone who is pregnant to take part in maternity studies at Leeds Teaching Hospitals.

Photo of research team wearing purple, lilac and navy uniforms. Group of 11 midwives and research assistants stood against a background of Yorkshire scenery.

Our current studies

Generation study – this study study tests for 200+ rare genetic conditions. By taking part, you could find out early about a possible genetic condition in your baby.

BaBi Leeds study – this study will help us to learn more about how families can live healthier, happier lives.

MOLI study – this study is looking at how effective a drug called Mifepristone is at inducing labour and/or making the body more ready for labour at term.

Giant Panda Study – this study is looking at which blood pressure medication is best if you are pregnant and have high blood pressure.

CaPE – this study aims to find out if calcium is a useful supplement for preventing pre-eclampsia in the UK in women who have a high risk of developing pre-eclampsia.

PROTECT – this study is looking at pregnancy outcomes using continuous glucose monitoring technology in pregnant women with early-onset Type 2 diabetes

TRUFFLE 2 – this study is investigating the safest time to deliver babies with fetal growth restriction.

Prestige PTB – this study aims to identify which genetic factors, especially among different ethnic groups, are connected to preterm birth.

MiNESS 20-28 Study – this study aims to find better ways to help prevent early stillbirth.

C-STICH 2 – this study aims to find out if an emergency cervical cerclage reduces the chance of miscarriage and early birth.

National Rainbow Clinic Study – this study is looking at the impact of Rainbow Clinics to find ways to improve care further.

FERN Study –  this study is looking at selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies (where both babies share one placenta) depending on whether they had an intervention or were monitored without any other treatment. 

Multiple Pregnancy Registry – this registry aims to address gaps in existing knowledge about multiple pregnancy in order to find the best treatment to offer those that develop complications and the best ways to monitor for the development of these complications.

Our vision

Our vision is for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to be a world leader in clinical research developing new treatments which will as quickly as possible bring improvements for those in our care.

The Reproductive Health and Childbirth Research Team in Leeds wants everyone who is pregnant to have the opportunity to participate in a research study, as participation in clinical trials/studies has been shown to improve health outcomes by 25%.* Therefore when you attend hospital you may be invited to take part in one of our research studies.

Contact us

Telephone: 0113 206 6473

Email: [email protected]

Mr Nigel Simpson: Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals and Senior Lecturer at the University of Leeds. Nigel is also the NIHR Clinical Research Network National Specialty Lead for Reproductive Health.

Emily Scriven: Team Leader and Senior Research Nurse

Karen Elson: Research Midwife

Jenny Dignon: Research Midwife

Jane Gavin: Research Midwife

Jayne Wagstaff: Research Midwife

Carina Craig: Research midwife

Del Endersby: Research Midwife

Jessica Towning: Senior Clinical Trials Assistant (CTA)

Joanna Parker: Clinical Trials Assistant

Janet Ward: Clinical Trials Assistant

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Test your baby for 200+ genetic conditions

Sign up when you’re pregnant, and the test will happen shortly after birth.