A new maternity centre
We’re creating one of the UK’s largest single-site maternity centres at Leeds General Infirmary – providing a revolution in patient-centred care.
The centre will have the capacity to deliver up to 10,500 babies a year and will provide care for mothers and their babies from across Yorkshire and the north of England.
Read more about plans here: Hospitals of the Future – A new Maternity Centre
Leeds Maternity Strategy
This is a five year plan for the city explaining how people will work together to improve the health and care services we offer to parents-to-be and new parents, to give babies the best start in life.
There are around 9,500 babies born in Leeds every year, and babies who have the best possible start in life will be more likely to benefit from successful futures.
Addressing these health inequalities is a priority for us in Leeds and we will do this by working closely with the communities affected.
Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnership
The Leeds Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP) is a friendly group of parent representatives and professionals who work together to help shape, develop and improve services in Leeds. It is overseen by the charity Women’s Health Matters.
For more information please visit Leeds Maternity Voices, email MVPChair@womenshealthmatters.org.uk or visit the Leeds MVP Facebook page.
Local Maternity Systems
We are part of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) which is a partnership of maternity and neonatal service providers, commissioners, local authorities and Maternity Voices Partnerships working together to transform maternity services in West Yorkshire and Harrogate.