What does LIONS do?
LIONS is a group of nurses who work alongside ward staff to prevent and manage patient deterioration. This includes averting critical care admissions, facilitating appropriate and timely admissions to Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) where required and providing support following discharge from critical care. The team also attend emergency calls within Leeds Children’s hospital.
The service is designed to support patients and their families, nursing staff, medical teams and other members of the multidisciplinary team across Leeds Children’s Hospital. Anyone can refer to the service whether for advice, patient reviews or support.
Meet the LIONS team

Leeds Inpatient Outreach Nursing Service is a team of six nurses from a variety of backgrounds. Leanne Lane is the Lead Nurse for the service.
There will usually be one nurse on per shift, however, the service runs 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week. The team can be contacted and referrals made at any time day or night.
Information for families
Leeds Inpatient Outreach Nursing Service is available for support or advice if you are concerned your child may be deteriorating. Please note this service is only available if your child is currently an inpatient on one of our wards within Leeds Children’s Hospital.
The team work closely with the nursing and medical teams and will liaise with the specific team who are caring for your child.
It is important that patients and their families feel supported and listened to during their time here at Leeds Children’s Hospital. The team accept referrals direct from families. If you are concerned your child is becoming more unwell you can request a discussion and review from one of the LIONS nurses. Please ask the ward nurse looking after your child and they will contact the team to request this support.
Another role of LIONS is to provide additional support for patients who are discharged from critical care. If your child has transitioned from PICU to a ward, one of the team will visit your child within the first 24 hours after discharge from PICU.
Speak to the LIONS Team
Anyone can make a referral to the LIONS Team by calling: 07920291731
We’d love to hear from you
Feedback helps us shape our service to the needs of both staff and our patients across Leeds Children’s Hospital. We actively welcome any feedback or comments from colleagues, patients and families.
Email the LIONS: leedsth-tr.lions@nhs.net
Martha’s Rule
Our LIONS team accept direct referrals from anyone (parents or staff), and this forms part of NHS England’s Martha’s Rule Initiative. For more information on Martha’s Rule please click here.