LAES is an exciting new development project in partnership with the University of Leeds and York Trials Unit, alongside our charity support partners The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and Blind Veterans UK.
Our manufacturing process has been developed by the chief maxillofacial prosthetist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and refined by the Medical and Dental Illustration Unit. Advances in digital photography, colour calibration, inkjet printing, and laboratory fabrication have refined the process.
This represents a targeted technological step change in medical device design, manufacture and service delivery compared to the traditional hand painting approach. LAES aims to build foundations for future clinical and economic studies, refine manufacture techniques, and streamline the process for scalable service delivery.
Please note
LAES is currently undergoing a NIHR funded clinical trial and not accepting any referrals. If you or someone you know may be interested in volunteering for the trial, please speak with your ophthalmologist or GP.
If you would like more information on the clinical trial, please contact Timothy Zoltie by emailing

The project began when Paul Bartlett, Chief Maxillofacial Prosthetist at Leeds Dental Institute responded to the clinical needs of his patients by developing a novel technique using digital photographs. Collaboration with Timothy Zoltie, Head of Medical and Dental Illustration at The University of Leeds (UoL) helped translation of technological advances in digital photography, colour calibration, and inkjet printing to perfect the technique. Our manufacture method has been published in peer reviewed journals, and received TV media coverage, with Mr Bartlett interviewed by the BBC demonstrating the scope for this innovative process of manufacture.
The service is now being developed to improve patient experience by producing a unique personalised high-definition prosthesis in a one-stop clinic. Initial results demonstrate favourable outcomes in terms of patient satisfaction, prosthetic appearance, and manufacturing turnaround time. Further research is being undertaken to formally evaluate these factors. In turn, this should help us achieve our aims of improving rehabilitation, quality of life, and patient experience.
Meet the team
The LAES team is made up of a collaborative group at LTHT including Maxillofacial Labs, Medical and Dental Illustration, Ophthalmology, and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
What is PPI?
PPI stands for Patient and Public Involvement, and is the way in which patients, the public, service users and carers can:
- Influence their own care and treatment
- Have a say in the way services are planned and run
- Help bring about improvements to the way care is provided.
The Leeds Artificial Eye Service takes on this same principle to deliver patient centred care and has created a newly formed PPI steering group in collaboration with our local Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and Yorkshire Eye Clinic Liason Officers (ECLO).
Want to join?
If you would like to join our PPI steering group, please contact us. You can attend as many or as little meetings as you would like, and your feedback in helping shape our future service is invaluable to us.
The Leeds Artificial Eye Service has the potential to change the future provision of artificial eyes both in the UK and internationally. It has subsequently received media attention, with Paul Bartlett being interviewed and filmed by the BBC discussing the scope and innovative process of manufacture. The process has also been published in the British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Further information can be found through the ScienceDirect Website.
For media enquiries on the service, please contact the LTHT communications department.
The Leeds Artificial Eye Service is based at Leeds Dental Institute. If you have had a referral from NAES and are due to attend for an appointment, please head to the Restorative Department upon arrival (straight ahead to the end of the main corridor).
Any issues feel free to contact us.
Contact Us
LAES is currently undergoing a NIHR funded clinical trial and not accepting any referrals. If you or someone you know may be interested in volunteering for the trial, please speak with your ophthalmologist or GP.
Please use the contact information below for queries related to the following:
- If you are a patient and have general queries on the progress of your digital artificial eye
- If you are a participant in the NIHR trial and have general queries on the progress of your artificial eye
- Information on how you can get involved (PPI)
- General information
- Collaboration and media enquiries
Mr Timothy Zoltie
Head of Medical & Dental Illustration
Medical & Dental Illustration Department
Leeds Dental Institute Level 5,
Worsley Building
Leeds LS2 9LU
For all other enquiries please contact the National Artificial Eye Service.