Every patient has access to the head and neck cancer nurse specialist team from the time of diagnosis onwards. Telephone 0113 2068616.
Signs and symptoms
For signs and symptoms relating to cancers of the head and neck please follow the link to the Macmillan website.
The head and neck team

The Head and Neck Cancer Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) consists of:
- Specialist surgeons (Maxillofacial, ENT, Plastic and Restorative Dental)
- Oncologists
- Clinical nurse specialists
- Dieticians
- Speech and language therapists
- Head and Neck Local Support Team
- Radiologists
- Pathologists
For any advice or information the best way is to contact the head and neck nurse specialist team by ringing 0113 2068616.
All the members of the head and neck nurse specialist team have expertise and experience in assisting with patients and carers concerns including
- Information about the disease illness, investigations, treatments and follow up
- Advice about any symptoms
- Support for patients, relatives and carers
- Referral to the community nursing teams, such as the District Nurses
- Referral to other professionals who can offer specialist advice such as benefits, social services or complimentary therapies
Speech and Language Therapists
The Speech and Language Therapy team (often referred to as the SALT team) provide expert assessment, advice, information and support to patients who have speech, voice and swallowing problems.
They can be contacted on 0113 2067816.
Support Group
The SALT team run a support group for patients who require radiotherapy which may affect swallowing. Information is provided on:
- Swallowing, how it normally works and how swallowing can be affected by radiotherapy
- Exercises which can help maintain and improve long-term swallowing ability
- Answers to questions which are specific to an individual’s treatment
The group meets every Thursday between 1.30 pm and 2.30 pm in the Patient Support Lounge, Princess Royal Suite, Radiotherapy (-2, Bexley Wing St. James’ University Hospital – please report to the main reception desk).
Patients are contacted by the team and aim to book the appointment the Thursday before radiotherapy starts.
Diagnostic tests
There are various tests that might be required to diagnose head and neck cancer. These can include:
- an ultrasound scan +/- a biopsy of an affected area. A biopsy may be taken at the same time
- a nasendoscopy – a thin, flexible tube with a light at the end that is passed into the nose and into the throat
- an examination under anaesthetic (EUA) – this is under general anaesthetic and a thin tube is passed down the throat to examine it and take a biopsy
- a biopsy – a doctor takes a sample of cells or tissue from the lump or area that looks abnormal.
- Face or neck x-rays
- CT scan
- MRI scan
- PET or PET-CT scan