Pain relief
Continue to use appropriate painkillers as necessary.
Walker boot
Continue to use the walker boot for walking. You may increase your walking distance as you feel comfortable.
You can use ice to help with pain and swelling.
Continue to elevate the ankle if it looks swollen in comparison to your opposite side. It is normal to have ankle swelling for 3 to 4 months post injury, particularly in response to increasing activity levels.
The following videos will help you regain a normal range of movement in your ankle and help you walk without a limp. You may start these exercises when you feel comfortable to do so, discomfort is expected. You should do these exercises regularly – if you experience severe pain you are doing too much.
Print or save your Phase 2 exercises or watch the videos below.
Ankle Passive Rotation
This video shows an Ankle Passive Rotation Exercise.
Ankle Passive Rotation
The person brings their foot as far as they can towards the inside and outside with their hand.
Ankle Assisted Rotation
This video shoes an Ankle Assisted Rotation Exercise.
Ankle Assisted Rotation
Person sitting and looping a towel or belt around the base of their foot, ensuring the towel or belt is on the front half of their foot.
For inversion (supination), they pull on the inside portion of the towel until a stretch is felt on the outside of their foot.
For eversion (pronation), they pull on the outside portion of the towel until a stretch is felt on the inside of their foot. They maintain the stretch and relax
Heel Raise in Sitting
The video shows Heel Raise in Sitting exercise.
Heel Raise in Sitting
The person is sitting straight on a chair with their feet flat on the floor.
They flex their ankle to go on the tip of their toes, raising the heel off the ground. They lower and repeat.
You may progress to phase 3 once you are 4 weeks post injury
PHASE 3 (4 to 6 weeks)