The Leeds Fracture Clinic is located on level A in the Clarendon Wing at Leeds General Infirmary.
When you arrive in the fracture clinic, you’ll be shown where to sit. You’ll see one of our doctors or advanced physiotherapists and they may well want further investigations such as a scan or an x ray. You may also require a change of casts for your fractures. Please be patient with us as these things can take time.
The following video explains The Leeds Fracture Clinic.
The Fracture Clinic – Leeds General Infirmary
The Leeds fracture clinic is currently located on level a in the Clarendon wing at LGI. When you arrive in the fracture clinic, you’ll be shown where to sit. You’ll see one of our doctors or advanced physiotherapists, and they may well want further investigations, such as a scan or an x-ray. You may also require a change of casts for your fractures. Please be patient with us as these things can take time. We strive to provide the very best possible care, but if you have any issues, queries, or concerns, please follow the links to the contact us section of the website. If your question is related to your plaster cast, then please follow the website links to the plaster room.
Contact Us
- If you need to contact us regarding your appointment date and time please call 0113 3922172.
To refer a patient to the fracture clinic please email us:
If you need to contact us regarding your appointment date and time please call 0113 3922172.
If you have any questions or concerns after your initial Fracture Clinic appointment please call 0113 3923528.
If your injury is being managed on a Virtual Treatment Pathway please call and leave a voicemail on 0113 3926991. We will reply to voicemails, Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 3.00pm. Or alternatively please email us at