What we do
The Gastroenterology Team is made up of four main services: nutrition, inflammatory bowel disease, gut dysmotility and general gastroenterology. We care for patients from 0 to 18 years including neonatal infants. We are based at the Leeds General Infirmary site of Leeds Children’s Hospital and provide support for patients across the hospital, working closely with other specialities.

We run regular consultant and nurse-led outpatient clinics including those for intestinal failure, general gastroenterology problems, inflammatory bowel disease, a joint medical-surgical clinic, an adolescent transition clinic, and a fast track clinic for acute problems.
We are able to provide diagnostic tests including upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, radiology, pH monitoring, and isotope studies.

We work closely with our paediatric surgical colleagues and support and manage patients with short bowel syndrome. We share the care of patients with chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disease with their local district paediatrician.
The Nutrition Team trains, supports and liaises with the community team in managing patients with gastrostomy/home parenteral nutrition so that patients can be well managed at home.
Meet the team
The team is made up of specialist Gastroenterologist Consultants, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Nurse Specialists, Nutrition Nurse Specialists, Dietitians, Specialist Pharmacists, Clinical Psychologists, Social Workers, Multidisciplinary Team Coordinators and admin staff. We also work closely with other specialists within Leeds Children’s Hospital such as Colorectal Surgeons and Interventional Radiologists.

Consultants Paediatric Gastroenterologist:
Dr Elena Cernat
Dr Sarah Rumore
Dr Veena Zamvar
Dr Dinesh Rawat
Dr Lilianne Gomez-Lopez
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Nurse Specialists:
Peter Slater
Jacqui Ferguson
Chloe Aveyard
Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) Nurse Specialists:
Jenny Goldthorpe (Team Leader)
Helen Brogan
Olivia Harvey
Enteral Nurse Specialists:
Lindsey Broadhead
Polly Cheetham
Julie Steele – Specialist Dietitian for intestinal failure and rehabilitation
Catherine Oswin – Specialist Dietitian for inflammatory bowel disease
Charlotte Hewitson – Specialist Dietitian for coeliac disease
Parenteral Nutrition Pharmacist:
Natalia Iglesias