The Leeds Children’s Hospital paediatric endocrinology team works closely with commissioned paediatric gender services to provide medical input into the NHS Children and Young People’s Gender Service (North West). This is in line with the new service specifications as of 2 April 2024.
The team consists of paediatric endocrinologists, specialist nurse, managerial and administration staff. The clinics are held at Seacroft Hospital which is part of Leeds Teaching Hospitals (as is Leeds Children’s Hospital). If required, x-rays and scans are undertaken at the Leeds General Infirmary site and can be done on the same day.
Read more about the NHS Children and Young People’s Gender Service (North West).
Please note: Endocrine care for existing Leeds Children’s Hospital patients will continue in Leeds. Psychosocial care will now be provided by Nottingham Young Person’s Gender Service.
Contact us
Existing patients can contact the team by email:
News and updates
09/07/2024 – NHS England to roll out six new specialist gender centres for children and young people
NHS England will establish up to six new specialist regional centres by 2026 to provide tailored gender services for children and young people, based on recommendations in the Cass Review.
Find out more in the national media release.