We manage all types of disease from the common to the rarest and have access to leading edge treatments and a comprehensive range of clinical trials.
About Us

We diagnose and treat patients with cancer and serious blood disorders from across the Yorkshire region. We manage all types of disease from the common to the rarest and have access to leading edge treatments and a comprehensive range of clinical trials.
Cancer and serious blood disorders are rare in children and young people, and all our consultants are specialists in this field. They work closely with a large team of dedicated health and social care professionals who work together to deliver the best possible care to our patients and their families and carers.
We believe that high quality care of children young people depends on successful partnerships between families and health and social care professionals. Patients and families are central to all decisions about their care.
Our specialist nursing, social work and education teams work to co-ordinate care of families and minimise disruption to family life through and following treatment. We work closely with colleagues in the community and other hospitals to provide as much support as is needed as close to home as possible.
The service at Leeds, and the professionals working within it, has an excellent national and international reputation for both the quality of our services, and our commitment to research. We take pride in delivering a first-class programme of research into the causes, treatments and outcomes of cancer and blood disorders. This enables us to offer the best treatments possible.
Children and teenagers and their families are looked after in our high-quality age-appropriate, dedicated facilities. The unit is made up of 3 inpatient wards; L31 is the main ward for children, whilst L33 is for teenagers. L32 is a small ward that looks after both children and teenagers and specialises in stem cell transplants. All three wards work closely together; they have the same senior nursing and medical team responsible for treatment and care.
For children and young people who do not need hospital admission, we run a busy day care service, alongside a bustling out-patient clinic, close to our wards, and all these facilities are in the Clarendon wing of the LGI.
The Paediatric Oncology & Haematology Department receives more than 90% of newly diagnosed children from the Region. There are approximately 120 new referrals of children and adolescents with malignant disease per year. This has generated an outpatient clinic attendance of approximately 13,000 per year, which includes the non-malignant haematology service of all children with bleeding disorders and children with other serious haematological disorders.