We encourage you to complete one and bring it with you to share with the hospital staff if you are coming into hospital for an admission or attending an outpatient appointment.
You can also send it to the Learning Disability and Autism team to upload.
A completed health passport can help staff to support you by providing lots of useful information about any communication, anxieties, likes and dislikes you may have.
The health passport was reviewed and updated in 2019 to make sure that it continued to be useful to people.
The health passport is called by different names in different areas across the UK and previously we used the traffic light document.
It does not matter which health passport you bring with you. The important thing is that you share useful information with hospital staff.
Please use the buttons below to download a blank Learning Disability Health Passport to fill in.
Learning Disability Health Passport Learning Disability Health Passport for Autistic PeoplePlease note
It is up to the patient to keep this up to date and send the most up to date version to the team.
It is helpful for people to email completed Health Passports to [email protected] or post them to Learning Disability and Autism Team, 2nd Floor, Trust Headquarters, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF so they can be uploaded electronically.