Our 2021-2026 strategy was developed collaboratively with the aim to develop volunteering at LTHT and achieve good outcomes for everyone involved; patients, visitors, volunteer, staff and the Trust. The following strategic aims summarise our areas of work:
- Integrating volunteers in core organisational functions, compliment and effectively adapt to the needs of patients, staff and other organisations.
- Having the right level of volunteer support for a patient centred approach meeting the needs of our patients.
- Greater involvement and collaboration with volunteers, and other stakeholders.
- Use technology and digitisation for recruitment, management, retention and recognition of an engaged workforce.
- Develop collaborative partnerships with community and national orgnisations.
- Establish financial sustainability delivering value for money with the right number of volunteers supporting patients and staff.
- Delivering high impact, quality volunteering in diverse roles.
We aim to change the culture at LTHT so that:
• Volunteers are considered a vital part of LTHT commitments
• Volunteers are integrated and embedded with our teams
• Volunteers are integral to enhancing patient experience and best clinical outcomes