Leeds Teaching Hospitals uses Attend Anywhere, a secure web-based platform for patients with pre-arranged video consultation appointments.
You can use Attend Anywhere on a PC, Mac or an iOS/Android device using Google Chrome or Safari web browsers. (Please not that Attend Anywhere will not work on Internet Explorer.)
If you are using Attend Anywhere for the first time we would recommend watching the two videos below which will give you an idea of how your video consultation will work.
What is Attend Anywhere
Appointments by Attend Anywhere
There are times when making it to a hospital appointment can be stressful and time-consuming. Whether you’re traveling a long way or just trying to get across town, the journey can often feel like a challenge in itself.
If you’ve ever thought it should be easier, you’ll be glad to know that’s exactly what we’re making available.
The internet has given us new ways to connect with each other and access our health and care services. Attend Anywhere is a secure online service that enables you to attend video appointments with your clinician from the comfort and convenience of your own home, workplace, or local centre.
All you need is an internet-enabled device with a webcam, a Chrome or Safari web browser, and a quiet, private area to make your call.
Your Attend Anywhere appointment is part of your clinician’s day-to-day routine and will be conducted much like an in-person consultation.
When you start the call, you’ll enter a private online waiting area and can see your place in the queue — just like waiting at the hospital, but far more relaxing. Your clinician will join you for a private consultation when they’re ready. Any follow-up care or arrangements will be handled as usual.
With Attend Anywhere, you’ll receive the same high standard of care without disrupting your daily routine, saving you time, stress, and money.
Attending appointments on Attend Anywhere
How to use Attend Anywhere
Getting to an appointment can often be time-consuming and tiring, but many services now offer appointments using video calls, similar to Skype or FaceTime. This allows you to see your clinician from the convenience of your own home, local centre, or workplace.
It’s designed to be easy to use, with just a few simple steps to get started. You might receive an appointment letter from the hospital or a text or email from your GP surgery or another service. This will include details of your appointment and a web address to enter into your browser.
You can use a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone — just make sure it has a webcam, microphone, speakers or headphones, and a stable internet connection. It’s a good idea to test your setup a few days before your appointment.
If you’re using a computer or laptop, use the link provided and click the “Test Call” button. This will run some checks to ensure everything will work on the day. For Windows-based computers and Android devices, use the Chrome browser. For Apple devices, use the Safari browser. If Chrome isn’t installed on your Windows computer, you’ll need to download it for free.
If you don’t have suitable equipment or can’t get it to work, contact the clinic using the number on your letter. They may be able to arrange for you to use a computer at your local centre or invite you to come in instead.
Wherever you make your video call, ensure the space is private, quiet, and well-lit. Avoid having bright lights or sunlight behind you, as if you’re taking a photo. If you’re using a smartphone or tablet, try to keep it steady by propping it up, leaving your hands free.
A couple of minutes before your appointment, click on the “Start Video Call” button. The system will check that everything is working, then ask for your name, phone number, and date of birth. This information helps the clinician identify you but isn’t stored.
You’ll then enter a private video room. Once your clinician is ready, they’ll join you, and your appointment will proceed as normal.
If the sound or picture breaks up or the call drops, click the refresh button at the top of the screen. This will restart the call where you left off. If you can’t connect properly or have been waiting too long, contact the clinic using the number on your screen or letter. Avoid hanging up your video call in case they’re just running late.
At the end of your consultation, say goodbye and, if necessary, click the “End” button on the screen.
Attending your appointment via video call gives you access to the same high standard of care without the disruption of traveling. It saves time, energy, and money — and helps the environment too.
If you have any issues please see the troubleshooting guide (155kB pdf)