Dr Ciantar’s main areas of interest are obstetrics, obstetric haematology and medical education. He runs a weekly multi-disciplinary obstetric haematology clinic in which pregnant patients with thrombotic and haemostatic disorders are seen. He also runs a monthly obstetric haemoglobinopathy clinic for patients with sickle cell disease, thalassaemia, red cell membrane disorders and immune thrombocytopenia.
Dr Ciantar is actively involved in medical education. He is the academic manager of the Gynaecology, Obstetrics & Sexual Health (GOSH) Unit within the University of Leeds and is therefore responsible for the provision of GOSH teaching within the university. He is also one of the College Tutors in the O&G department. He has launched various educational initiatives within his department, including a breakfast club, a monthly postgraduate protected teaching programme and a weekly antenatal education clinic which is run by senior medical students under his supervision. In 2014 he was awarded a Clinical Teaching Excellence Award by the University of Leeds.
Dr Ciantar is involved in on-going research in obstetric haematology and gestational diabetes and has presented his work both nationally and internationally.