Leeds Teaching Hospitals uses Atamis as our procurement portal.
If your question is not answered below, please also see the information on the Trading with us page.
What is Atamis?
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has tendered for and procured a single e-commercial system. This will enable NHS organisations to replace the large variation in sourcing and contract management systems with one platform.
It brings the commercial activities of the health service together in one place, including business case generation and sign off, tendering, evaluation, digital contract awards and performance management, supplier management and P2P interface.
Why is it important?
Fragmentation across the NHS, especially in the use of systems and information sharing, has presented a real challenge to patient care over the last year. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only shown us the importance of keeping continuity of high quality and safe supplies but also the need for the procurement profession to be given insight into the availability and process of securing essential goods and services.
So far we’ve met these unprecedented demands through the sheer determination of individual teams, but if we’re to meet the intense demands on our national health and care service in future, we need to make significant changes to our ways of working.
One of our greatest tools is to use data and technology to increase the effectiveness and resilience of NHS procurement.
What are the advantages of using Atamis over our current systems?
A sophisticated single e-commercial system like Atamis, used across the board, gives the ability to take a standardised approach and manage market risk and opportunities at a national level.
Trusts and ICSs can benefit from a rich database facilitating flexible collaboration and communication with other NHS organisations and suppliers.
It’s good for suppliers too, as they can view and respond to business opportunities across the health sector via a single log in, with duplication of effort vastly reduced.
How do I register?
You can register as a Supplier on the Atamis website.
The Atamis Supplier Guide provides guidance on accessing the system.
You may be asked if you wish to merge your account with an existing organisation. This is based on a number of criteria, including the domain name of your email address, so please ensure that you register with your official work email address.