Under the Act, we are required to maintain a publication scheme, which provides public access to all of the information we routinely publish, and to respond to ad hoc requests for information in a timely manner. We also have a disclosure log.
Environmental Information Regulations
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 give you the right to obtain information held by public authorities about the environment. We coordinate our responses to both Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests from the same office.
Can I request a copy of my own health record?
Patients are able to obtain a copy of their own health records. To do this, please complete an application form, and provide a copy of identification to leedsth-tr.accesstohealth@nhs.net. On receipt of this information, the Trust is legally allowed 30 calendar days to process the request.
More about Freedom of Information
Further information on the Freedom of Information Act is available on our frequently asked questions page. If your question isn’t listed there, you are welcome to send us an email or have a look on the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office, which oversees compliance with the Freedom of Information Act in the UK.
Please note
The rights of our patients under the Data Protection Act 1998, Article 8 of the Human Rights Act and the common law duty of confidence are not infringed upon by the information we publish in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Further information about the way in which you can expect the Trust to handle your personal information is available under Patient Support.