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Administration and Management
Our dedicated administrative staff are the backbone of the PAIN Service at Leeds. They offer support to the clinical teams, coordinate activities and communicate with patients. This group of staff includes medical secretaries, theatre schedulers and others and are often our unsung heroes!
The managerial team ensure the service operates efficiently and that we provide a sustainable service that meets the needs of our patients and commissioners.
Contact us
Pain Management office address
Leeds PAIN Service
B Floor
Brotherton Wing
Leeds General Infirmary
Leeds PAIN research
If you are interested in getting involved in our research, would like to collaborate or are interested in joining our patient and public involvement (PPI) group, please contact us directly on 0113 3926236.
Administration Department
To get in touch about waiting lists, appointments and arrangements for procedures, please call 0113 3923495.
Email: leedsth-tr.adminpain@nhs.net
Clinical Nurse Specialists
Nursing Service: Mon to Fri 8:00am to 4:00pm.
For non-urgent queries or concerns for patients with spinal cord stimulators or intrathecal pumps, you can call the following number and leave a message, we’ll aim to return your call as soon as possible – 0113 3922178 (voice mail) but due to clinical commitments, it may not be the same day.
If you have a spinal cord stimulator or intrathecal pump and have an urgent problem, please attend the Emergency Department at the LGI or your nearest hospital.
Patient Services Co-ordinator
Elizabeth Mountain – 0113 3925606
Lauren Barrow – 0113 3925606
Georgina Rimmington (Clerical officer) – 0113 3925606
Email: leedsth-tr.adminpain@nhs.net
Business Manager
Samantha Rayworth – 0113 3926520
Consultant Secretaries
Paula Harrison – Secretary to Dr Baranidharan, Dr Black and Dr Whelan – 0113 3922075
Helen Kyriacou – Secretary to Dr Montgomery – 0113 3922064
Elizabeth Styan – Secretary to Dr Titterington – 0113 3925730
Nurse Specialist Team Leader
Jenny Jennings – 0113 3922178
Fiona Drummond – 0113 3923536