We provide a high quality imaging service to the dental and maxillo-facial services within the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and also to other NHS and private healthcare institutions across West and South Yorkshire.
The department performs over 20,000 examinations per year using state-of-the-art equipment in a modern clinical environment.
What we do
The department provides a range of imaging examinations. We perform routine two-dimensional imaging including intra-oral and panoramic imaging to view individual teeth or the whole mouth. If more complex imaging is required, Cone Beam CT can be undertaken to provide three dimensional imaging of the skull and jaws.
Our team of specialist Consultant Radiologists provide a high quality reporting service for imaging performed within the dental hospital as well as for specialist opinions on complex cases referred from outside the dental hospital.

The department participates in and facilitates the education and training for undergraduate dentistry students, dental nurses, hygiene and therapy trainees, and undergraduate radiographers.
We are based on Level 5 of the Worsley Building (Leeds Dental Institute):
Radiology Department
Leeds Dental Institute
Level 5, Clarendon Way
Leeds, LS2 9LU
Tel: 0113 343 6213
Referral to Leeds Dental Institute Radiology Department for Imaging & Second Opinion – External Referrals (sources outside LTHT)
Download referral formPlease note this form should only be used for external referrals (sources outside LTHT) to the Dental X-Ray Department at the Leeds Dental Institute. Guidance on appropriate completion of the referral form, in order to expedite your request, is included.