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Clinical haematology provides services for the investigation and treatment of haematological disorders. These include leukaemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma, red cell disorders (including sickle cell disease and thalassaemia), bleeding and thrombotic disorders, anticoagulation, nutritional anaemias and transfusion medicine.
The department is an integrated part of the Leeds Cancer Centre and works in partnership with the oncology department for delivery of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We also work closely with the External Link Haematological Malignancies Diagnosis Service (HMDS) which provides a regional and supra-regional diagnostic service.
Leeds is a trial acceleration programme (TAP) centre supported by Cure Leukaemia, a charity funding some of our haematology non-commercial trials.
What we do
Clinical haematology provides services for the investigation and treatment of haematological disorders. These include leukaemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma, red cell disorders (including sickle cell disease and thalassaemia), bleeding and thrombotic disorders, anticoagulation, nutritional anaemias and transfusion medicine.
All adult haematology services are located in Bexley Wing at St James’s Hospital. Most inpatient care is provided on level 3 in a modern, hepa-filtered 40-bedded area (wards J88 and J89).
Special facilities for young adults are provided in the teenage and young adult unit (ward J94) on level 5. Services for paediatric haematology patients are at Clarendon Wing, Leeds General Infirmary.
We have a large clinical trials portfolio, we lead a national service for patients with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria and we also provide regional services for bone marrow transplantation, haemophilia and haemoglobinopathies. There is also a weekly Haematology peripheral clinic at Wharfedale Hospital.
Get involved
Friends of the Leeds Centre for Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma
The charity (registered charity No. 509071) was established in 1979 (previously named the Friends of the Leukaemia and Lymphoma unit LGI). During this time, almost £4 million has been raised towards ensuring the highest standard of equipment and a user friendly environment within the haematology department, development of diagnostic services and “pump-priming” of translational research and clinical trials.
Donations can be made online at Just Giving.
For further information, Carol Bilbrough at
Leeds Cancer Partnership Group
There are lots of ways in which you can help support our cancer patients and you can make contact with the Leeds Cancer Partnership Group to find out more about volunteering.
How to find us
We are located in Bexley Wing at St James’s Hospital. For maps, directions and car parking information to St James’s Hospital, the postcode is LS9 7TF.
Accessibility Guide
The Trust’s accessibility guides, created by AccessAble, are a great way to help you navigate our sites. You can use them to find accessibility information, including details about car parking, lifts, toilets, main entrances, hearing loops, and much more.
View the Haematology Outpatients Suite Accessibility Guide Find a wardContact us
Our address is
Department of Clinical Haematology
Level 3, Bexley Wing
St James’s University Hospital
Leeds, LS9 7TF
Telephone numbers
- BMT – 0113 2068819
- Myeloma – 0113 2066152
- Lymphoma / Leukaemia / MPD / MDS – 0113 2068465
- CLPD – 0113 2068465
- General Haematology – 0113 2068433
- Red-cell – 0113 2068497
- Haemophilia / ACS – 0113 2068401 , 0113 2068417 , 0113 2066168
Other contacts
Haematology Outpatients – 0113 2067700
Clinical Lead – Dr Manish Jain
General Manager – Keely Townend
Assistant General manager – Andrea Burnell
Matrons – Claire Ferris / Katie Sweeting
Business Manager – Rachel Midwood