This page has been prepared by clinicians at this hospital to help you understand Brachial Plexus Injuries. If after reading this you have any other questions related to your injury please contact any member of the team.
What we do
The Brachial Plexus Unit consists of a team of specialised doctors and clinicians who have expertise in the management of this injury.
After referral to our unit you will be given a full assessment performed by a doctor as an inpatient on the ward or in one of our outpatient clinics. We will discuss with you your individualised treatment plan, which may include surgical management (operating to repair your nerves) or non-operative management with physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
We will routinely review you in our Major Nerve Injury Clinic to assess how you are progressing following your injury and to assist you in optimising your recovery through advice, surgery or rehabilitation.
Please refer to the your condition and treatment section for more information.
How to find us
The Major Nerve Injury Unit is based at Clarendon Wing, Leeds General Infirmary.
Our outpatient clinic is held on Ward L46 (D floor, Clarendon Wing).
If you are an inpatient you may be admitted to:
Ward L22 (G floor, Jubilee Wing) or L10 Major Trauma Ward (C floor, Jubilee wing) dependent on your other injuries.
If you have already been referred and have a query about your appointment, you can contact us.