Please note this is only for patients experiencing side effects during or immediately following a course of treatment.
If you have any Radiotherapy related symptoms, such as:
- Unable to eat and drink (FOR ANY REASON)
- Coughing/Spluttering when eating OR drinking
- Feeling or being sick (vomiting)
- Constipation and/or diarrhoea
- Feeling very unwell
- Uncontrolled Pain
- Worsening shortness of breath/chesty cough
- Temperature 38C or above
- New or Increasing Confusion
Please let us know as soon as possible, ideally before 11:00am, if you have any of the above symptoms.
Our aim, where possible, is to prevent admission to hospital, therefore contacting us early is important.
If you are currently having CHEMORADIOTHERAPY & have a temperature of 38C OR ABOVE and/or feel unwell contact the hospital IMMEDIATELY using one of the numbers overleaf.
Radiotherapy Department Level -2, Bexley Wing
Monday-Friday (8:00am-5:00pm)
Please call
Radiotherapy Nurses: 0113 206 7587
Out of Hours (after 5:00pm & weekends/Bank Holidays)
Please call: 0113 243 3144
and ask for the oncology bleep holder.