Do not confuse with lactate. D-lactate is a product of bacterial metabolism. Indication for requesting: suspicion of bacterial overgrowth in patients with short bowel syndrome. Only requests from gastroenterology will be accepted. For any other indications requests must be discussed with the Duty Biochemist (Ext 26922, option 2).
01 (SE) – Serum Gel
Additional Information
Serum gel or lithium heparin samples acceptable. Sample needs to be received in the lab within 1h of collection.
Turn Around
Turnaround time stated by Birmingham Children’s Hospital: 5 days.
Send to
Blood Sciences LGI
(Test referred to: Birmingham Children’s Hospital).
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
Minimum Volume: 0.3ml. Instructions to lab: Centrifuge, separate and freeze serum within 1h of collection. Fluoride oxalate (grey-topped) tubes are not suitable.
Sample REQ
Ref. Range Notes
<19 umol/L.
Interpretation will be provided on the report.