Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) is a metabolic enzyme found in red blood cells. It plays a role in the pentose phosphate pathway protecting the red cell from oxidative damage. G6PD deficiency is sex linked and common amongst certain ethnic groups. G6PD deficiency can cause a haemolytic anaemia when a patient is exposed to oxidative stress.
03 (EB) – EDTA Blood
Additional information
All non-LTHT requests now require a referral form to be completed, which can be found at [LINK]
Sample Requirements:Please send 1 x Fresh EDTA patient sample (3ml minimum volume) along with a travel control. Travel control = ANONYMISED EDTA (1ml minimum volume) sample clearly labelled as travel control. This sample must be suspected to have normal G6PD activity and collected under similar circumstances to the test sample [FBC & Reticulocytes must be normal]. A travel control is also required to accompany the sample.
Turn around
A&E: 120 hours
Day Case: 120 hours
In-Patient: 120 hours
Out-Patient: 120 hours
GP: 120 hours
Send to
Blood Sciences SJUH
For further details please contact Leeds Pathology customer services: [email protected].
Collection Con
Reticulocytes have higher G6PD levels than mature red cells. It is recommended that assays not be performed after a severe haemolytic crisis, since G6PD levels may appear falsely elevated.
Instructions for lab: LTHT samples book in as G6PD1J and send sample for FBC and retic, sample is then stored at 2-8C until analysis. Referral samples (non-LTHT) book in as G6PR1J. Label referral form/FBC data and travel control with the eye-readable barcodes and place in the G6PD tray in the cold room until analysis. Referral samples that do not arrive with a travel control should be rejected and not processed.
Sample REQ
EDTA blood 3ml