Investigation of suspected bacterial meningitis or subarachnoid bleed.
Suspected bacterial meningitis should be confirmed by lumbar puncture. A high white cell count along with positive gram stain would support diagnosis.
For suspected SAH send sample 1 and 3 to compare counts.
Containers must be clearly labelled. Where possible send separate tubes for each test requested.
Sterile universal
Processing 24/7 Positive results released to server 24/7 Please contact laboratory prior to sending.
Additional Information
Pre antibiotic CSF will give better culture yields but this does not imply to withhold antibiotic therapy.
Turn Around
Cell Count – within 1 hour if the laboratory is notified prior to arrival. Standard culture -5 days. Neuro ward culture -7 days.
Send to
LGI Microbiology Department
Collection Con
Observe aseptic sampling technique for performing lumbar puncture and decanting sample into sterile universal containers. Transport the sample to the laboratory as quickly as possible. Note: The recovery of anaerobes is compromised if the transport time exceeds 3 hours. The time between collection of CSF samples to microscopy and culture should occur within a maximum of 2 hours. Cells disintegrate and a delay may produce a cell count that does not reflect the clinical situation of the patient.
Sample REQ
Min vol 0.5ml. If further tests are required contact
IP Routine TAT
Cell Count – within 1 hour if laboratory is notified prior to arrival. Standard culture -5 days. Neuro ward culture -7 days.
GP Routine TAT
Cell Count – within 1 hour if laboratory is notified prior to arrival. Standard culture -5 days. Neuro ward culture -7 days.