On this page
- Phase 3 exercises should only be done if you were able to do them prior to injury.
- If you were unable to do these exercises before you were injured, only perform phase 2 exercises.
Walker boot advice
- Please start to walk without the walker boot on.
- Try spending time walking without the boot on at home. Then progress to walking outdoors in comfortable footwear.
- You can stop using the walker when you feel comfortable.
- Do not wear the boot beyond 6 weeks post injury.
The videos below demonstrate standing and balance exercises. They can help you get back to physical and sporting activities. Exercises should be undertaken frequently, only commence the exercises below if pain allows and when comfortable to do so.
Print or save your Phase 3 exercises or watch the videos below
Weight transfer exercise
Weight transfer exercise
This video show a person holding onto the top of a high back chair shifting their body weight form side to side.
This video shows a person squatting with their hands placed on the top of a high backed chair. While maintaining their back straight and their hips above the level of your knees they are slowly lowering their body into a semi-squat position without leaning forward and keeping their heels in contact with the ground at all times.
Heel raise in standing
Heel raise in standing
This video shows a person with their hands place on the top of a high backed chair. They are stood on both feet with their hands on a chair or table for balance. They are raising onto their tiptoes without bending the knees. Lowering under control to come back to the starting position and repeating.
This video shows a person stand and lifting one leg. They are holding that position for the recommended time.
Calf Stretch
Calf Stretch
This video shows a person doing a calf stretch. They are standing and placing one foot against the wall. They are placing the other leg behind with their heel on the ground, foot parallel to the front one and knee straight. Keeping the torso upright and pushing the hips forward to feel a stretch in the calf.
You may progress to phase 4 once you are 6 weeks post injury
PHASE 4 (6 weeks onwards)