Our multi-disciplinary team (MDT) clinics, nurse-led, physio-led and consultant-led sessions all have different codes and referral requirements.
We ensure referrals are in the appropriate speciality and with the appropriate clinician. We often move patients into physiotherapy or nurse led sessions and if referrals are not appropriate or specify that conservative measures have been completed in the community, then we direct into the consultant sessions.
We also take referrals on a named consultant basis from GPs, internal LTHT referrals (as long as they are for the same condition) and from other units regionally and nationally.
Referrals from obstetrics with Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS) are referred on a specific proforma sent from delivery suite to ensure they are seen in perineal clinic within 6 to 12 weeks. Patients are offered the option of a telephone follow up or face to face appointment with a physiotherapist earlier if they have any symptoms or concerns.
The community continence service refers directly into our MDT either for specific specialist conservative measures they cannot provide or to discuss surgical interventions.
We also have other direct referral services such as acute slots for post-natal or post operative urinary retention.
Women who have failed conservative management are then referred for urodynamic studies or other investigations prior to consultant review.